If your vehicle is experiencing any of the following problems, you might have a timing belt or timing chain problem:
- If you hear ticking noises coming from your engine
- Engine won’t start
- Misfiring Engine
- Engine oil leaking in front of the motor
View our timing belt services
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Our automotive mechanics can diagnose your timing chain or belt to troubleshoot what the problem is and offer repair or replacement services to fix it for you. Our diagnostic process will also help identify any other issues that might be contributing to the signs you let us know about during the consultation.
The total time it takes to replace the timing belt all depends on the timing apparatus your vehicle uses. General speaking, timing belts take much less time to replace than timing chains because timing chains are placed inside the engine.
No matter what the problem is we will find it, offer affordable rates for repair, and get you back on the road quickly! Give us a call today at (480) 948-4781, Get a quote using our contact form or stop by our auto repair shop located at 7171 E Lincoln Dr. Scottsdale, Arizona 85253.